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How I Create Profitable Lifestyle content in 15 minutes (or less)

Learn the fast way to write profitable content during your lunch break.

Creating content can be hard.

Creating content can take a lot of time.

Most people don’t have much time and are simply struggling to write engaging content.

You don’t have to be one of them.

There is a way to write content 10x faster than ever before and i’ll show you exactly how in this post.

If you’ve ever tried creating lifestyle, fashion or home decor content, you know how many hours you can spend scrolling for inspiration. You spend a few hours on pinterest, top blogs, instagram, then back to pinterest again, several online stores bla bla bla. You know the drill and how draining it can be. Sometimes to get the right topic, you find your self tweaking your headline a million times. Sigh. What a painful process.

But what if you could create your content during your lunch break in less than 15 minutes, hit publish and get views/clicks by the end of the day?

Just like you, when I started blogging few years ago, I would spend countless hours staying late into the night to get a single post written. However I wrote this post in 15 mins tops. I need to create engaging content but I also juggle work, family and kids. So that’s why i’m constantly learning how to become more efficient in this content creating world.

That said, and in the spirit of the time-saving theme of this post, here are my 5 practical top tips on how to write lifestyle content quickly and efficiently.

1. Do This Before You Start

Before you even touch that keyboard, take a minute to plan. Yes, I know you’re excited to start typing, but trust me, it saves time. Ask yourself:

What is the point of this post?

Who’s it for?

What do you want readers to take away?

Having a clear idea of your focus will make the writing flow so much faster.

For instance, I know this post is to show you how to save time. So even before I started writing, I knew I would keep it straight to the point. Engaging. No more than 5 tips. Not just any kind of tips you’ve heard before, but actionable and practical tips you can implement right away.

Simply put, when you have a plan, it is easier and faster to write.

2. Ignore the Habit of Perfectionism

Raise your hand if you’ve ever spent way too long nitpicking every word. (Guilty!)

But here’s the thing: perfection is the enemy of fast writing.

Don’t worry about every sentence being flawless or every detail being absolutely on point.

When was the last time you stopped reading a great post because of a minor typo?. As I read on one of my favourite blogs ‘ many people consuming yoru content are either on their commute to work, at lunch, waiting in a queue or simply trying to pass time with something that would help them. They do not care about typos.

Your goal is to get your message across. You can always clean it up later if you need to.

3. Use AI

AI is a very powerful tool for creating content – when used correctly.

Many people forget that AI can be trained.

Give it useful prompts and you would be amazed at what you can create with AI.

Here are a few ways to speed up your content creating using AI.

Use a writing tool (ChatGPT or Gemini) to give you suggestions, structure your post, or even polish your grammar (Grammarly).

For example, if you are stuck on ideas, you can ask ChatGPT for potential engaging topic titles

Screenshot by author

As you can see, most of these topics will attract any content creator. ‘stop wasting time’, ‘struggling with content ideas’, ‘wanting to grow’. All very important issues that content creators like you and I face daily.

Another example, if you want to correct the grammar and flow of your blog post. You simply tell AI to refine, correct and change the tone. This will take less than 5 seconds.

Screenshot by author

I used Gemini for the above example and you can see so much improvement in the refined text. What’s even better, you get three options/drafts to choose from. What a time saver.

Gemini is google’s AI and is free by the way.

You can also use an AI voice dictation tool (like otter) to convert your words and ideas to text. Many people know that the best types are posts are conversational. So why struggle to write complex sentences that are extremely unrelatable.

When you have an idea, say it to your dictator tool in simple sentences like you are having a friendly chat.

Otter will convert your words to text.

Then you only need a few minutes to tidy it up and its ready to be posted. Honestly try this. It makes blogging so much fun. You have fun and your readers feel seen and find you relatable. It’s a win win.

4. Use a Template

Templates are a life saver.

If you don’t have one yet, it’s time to create a go-to template for your lifestyle content. For written content it would be something like this:

  • Intro: Quick hook or relatable question
  • Main Points: List of tips, trends, or looks
    • For each look, what makes it cohesive, the body type it would fit, the occasion it is best suited to, what accessories go with it.
  • Call to Action: What do you want readers to do next? Subscribe? Shop the look?

Once you have this framework in place, writing posts becomes a plug-and-play situation—just fill in the blanks and you’re done!

Visual content creator

Now if you are in the lifestyle space – home decor, beauty, fashion, you know that aesthetically pleasing images will get you the clicks and sales.

Having templates you can replicate help you save time.

Here is what I mean:

Most of the top ranking fashion posts on Instagram, LTK or Pinterest look like this:


Yet, some creators, due to a lack of time create posts that look nothing like this.

As a result, they get no clicks, saves or likes. Images that are simply unappealing and not professional looking will get no attention.

Forget about whether or not you are a designer.

Just use Canva templates like the ones below to promote your content.

I created them and they save me so much time.

They’re so simple to use.

Just open the templates in Canva, drag your image to replace the existing images in the templates, modify the text as you wish and that’s it, you have posts that look like you paid a graphic designer.

5. Create a Bank of Ideas

Ever sit down to write and your brain goes blank?

This is a major time killer.

Avoid that by building a “content bank.”

Keep a note on your phone of your content ideas.

When you get inspired by a movie, a podcast or news, just write it down. That way you never run out of topics, headlines, outfit ideas, or trends you want to write about.

That way, when you sit down to create, you don’t waste time thinking about what to say—you already know! You just pick a topic and run with it.

Make more money by writing content 10x faster

Creating high quality content consistently is one of the most profitable ways to make money as a content creator.

The key is to streamline the process as I have shared with you in this post.

Want to get the gorgeous Canva templates to create Instagram reels, TikTok’s or Pinterest posts in 30seconds or less? Get the templates below.





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